Downloading the Project Source Code

You can start with the phoneME Advanced technology by downloading the project source code. There are two ways to download source code:

Download the Source Code Archive

Start by downloading the the zip archive from the phoneME Project Downloads page. Then create a directory and unpack the archive:

% mkdir phoneme-advanced-mr1
% cd phoneme-advanced-mr1
% unzip

Checkout the Source Code Repository

Start by checking out the full project source code repository with a Subversion client.

% mkdir phoneme-advanced-mr1
% cd phoneme-advanced-mr1
% svn checkout .

Browse the Source Code

Once you've downloaded the project source code, you may want to explore and see how it's structured. There are two main directory hierarchies:

  • build contains the CDC build system which is a set of makefiles and scripts for building the CDC Java runtime environment with different build options and for different platforms.

  • src contains the source code hierarchy including platform-independent source code and target-specific source code.

See the CDC Build System Guide for more information about the structure of the CDC build system, and the CDC Porting Guide for more information about the structure of the source code hierarchy.

Update the Source Code

You can update your copy of the project source code repository to keep it in sync with the latest changes on the community site.

% cd phoneme-advanced-mr1
% svn update