Building a PCSL Reference Port (MR2)

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This document contains instructions for building a PCSL reference port. It has the following sections:

PCSL libraries are used to build CLDC and the phoneME Feature software client. PCSL contains several individual services, including file, network, memory, and print. Follow the procedures in this section to build a default PCSL reference port containing libraries, tools, tests, and documentation bundles for the following target platforms:

Note: Although each PCSL service can be individually built, this document describes how to build the full PCSL only.

Building PCSL Software on a Linux on i386 Build Platform

This section describes how to build PCSL on the Linux on i386 build platform, for both Linux on i386 and Linux on ARM target platforms, as shown in Table 3-1.

Note: Make a note of the values you choose for these variables. When building the CLDC and phoneME Feature software client, you must set corresponding values.

Setting PCSL Environment Variables on a Linux on i386 Build Platform

TABLE 3-1Required PCSL Build Variables for Linux on i386




Identifies the target operating system, the target CPU, and the compiler that the build system uses to create the PCSL library. Its value has the form os_cpu_compiler.

For example, if you are building PCSL for a Linux on i386 target platform, the value of this variable is linux_i386_gcc. If you are building for a Linux on ARM target platform, the value of this variable is linux_arm_gcc.


Specifies the location where the build system puts PCSL output. For example, $BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR/pcsl.


Defines the transport package used to communicate between PCSL and other components in phoneME Feature software. Must be set to bsd/generic to build the Linux on i386 target and to bsd/qte to build the Linux on ARM target.

When building PCSL on a Linux on i386 build platform, you can build only for the Linux on i386 target platform, or for both target platforms. If you build for Linux on ARM target platform, both target platforms must be built.

Building for a Linux on i386 Target Platform

To build PCSL for a Linux on i386 target platform, take the following steps.

  1. Set the PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR variable, as shown here.


  2. Set the PCSL_PLATFORM variable, as shown here.

    $ export PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_i386_gcc

  3. Change to the PCSL build directory, as shown here.

    $ cd $MEHOME/pcsl

    Note: You can skip this step and use the make -C build option. For more information, see Building with the make -C Option.

  4. Run the make command as a single command-line string, as shown here.

    $ make NETWORK_MODULE=bsd/generic

The generated PCSL output is found under $BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR/pcsl.

Building for a Linux on ARM Target Platform

To build PCSL for a Linux on ARM target platform, take the following steps.

  1. Set the PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR variable, as shown here.


    Note: If you are building for both target platforms and have already built the Linux on i386 target platform, you can skip this step.

  2. Set the PCSL_PLATFORM variable, as shown here.

    $ export PCSL_PLATFORM=linux_arm_gcc

  3. Change to the PCSL build directory, as shown here.

    $ cd $MEHOME/pcsl

    Note: You can skip this step and use the make -C build option. For more information, see Building with the make -C Option.

  4. Run the make command as a single command-line string, as shown here.


    Note: In this command line, the variable $MONTAVISTA is a shortcut for a much longer command string, as described here.

The generated PCSL output is found under $BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR/pcsl.

Building PCSL Software on a Win32 on i386 Build Platform

This section describes how to build PCSL on the Win32 on i386 build platform, for a JavaCall porting layer on i386 target platform, as shown in Table 3-2.

Note: Make a note of the values you choose for these variables. When building the CLDC and phoneME Feature software client, you must set corresponding values.

Setting PCSL Environment Variables for a Win32 on i386 Build Platform

TABLE 3-2Required PCSL Build Variables for Win32 on i386




Identifies the target operating system, the target CPU, and the compiler that the build system uses to create the PCSL library. Its value has the form os_cpu_compiler.

The value of this variable is javacall_i386_vc. The vc indicates the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler.


Specifies the location where the build system puts PCSL output. For example, this could be %BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR%/pcsl.


If you are building a JavaCall porting layer implementation (on a Win32 on i386 build platform only), this specifies the location of the JavaCall porting layer output.

Building for a JavaCall porting layer on i386 Target Platform

To build PCSL for a JavaCall porting layer on i386 target platform, take the following steps.

  1. Set the PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR variable, as shown here.


  2. Set the PCSL_PLATFORM variable, as shown here.

    $ export PCSL_PLATFORM=javacall_i386_vc

  3. Change to the PCSL build directory, as shown here.

    $ cd %MEHOME%/pcsl

    Note: You can skip this step and use the make -C build option. For more information, see Building with the make -C Option.

  4. Run the make command as a single command-line string, as shown here.


The PCSL build output is found under %PCSL_OUTPUT_DIR%/javacall_i386

Building PCSL Documentation

To build Doxygen API documentation in HTML format from PCSL porting interfaces, you must install the Doxygen tool. It can be acquired from

Generating Doxygen Documentation

The procedure for building Doxygen documentation is the same for both Linux and Windows build platforms.

  1. Change to the PCSL directory:

    $ cd $MEHOME/pcsl

  2. Run the make doc command:

    $ make doc

    Note: The build system assumes that the Doxygen executable is in the directory /usr/bin/doxygen. If your executable is installed in a different location, use the DOXYGEN_CMD variable to define the new location. For example:

    $ make DOXYGEN_CMD=doxygen_dir doc

    where doxygen_dir is the location of your Doxygen executable.

Viewing PCSL Documents

Use any browser to display the Doxygen output file at the following URL:


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